


COGNINTEL relies on an integrated temporal domain (time series analysis) and spatial domain (unsupervised clustering) approach. This enables sharp enhance diagnostic and prognostic capabilities. While ensuring quick deployability, along with a high level of confidence, applicability & scalability.  

Up to now a TRL 4 has been reached aiming up to TRL 6. The key SW modules prototype (Learner and Predictor) of the AI-based COGNINTEL platform will be improved. So that it can be fast deployed, flexible & scalable. As well as to ingest and cost-effectively process a consistent number of signal features with a high level of confidence & accuracy.

AE Results and Impact 

The COGNINTEL experiment will deliver the following results to enable and prove a cost-effective deployment of CPES architecture / solutions.

Physical Layer

Data collection, data fusion, and data communication and/or connection implemented in demo facilities.

Cyber Layer

Data analytics and AI developments for highly confident diagnostics and prognostics. Quick deploy-ability and a high level of applicability and/or scalability implemented on a demo Server / Local (edge) workstation.

COGNINTEL platform

Validated against the defined KPIs for a CNC grinding/milling machine.


The COGNINTEL machine learning workflow relies on the CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology. CRISP-DM is a process model with six phases that describes the data science life cycle.

The modular COGNINTEL implementation architecture includes a ‘Learner’ module (to train the model) and a ‘Predictor’ module (to deploy the model in production)

Application Scenario 

Scenario 1

Pilot 1 – SCORTA use case: enabling a holistic and intelligent Quality, Energy and Maintenance management approach within precision manufacturing of thread cutting tools.

Scenario 2

Pilot 2 – CIIRC CTU/ DIH use case: enabling a holistic and intelligent Quality, Energy and Maintenance management approach in precision drilling operations.