Use Case: CIIRC CTU/ DIH Scenario
QEM Management Approach in Precision Drilling Operations
Use Case Description:
Focus on monitoring of tool wear during drilling operation:
- D6x10 mm hole, HSS spiral drill
- Tool steel material
- Hundreds of drilled holes
The goal is to capture signal variance with increasing tool wear.

7 selected sampled monitoring parameters

As-Is State:
- Every drill is going to be worn during drilling. The worn cutting edge may cause vibration level change and increased cutting force.
- It is not generally known what real-time measurable variables and extracted features can characterize the tool wear appropriately.
- The key question represents optimal moment for tool change.
To-Be State
- Feature (combination of features) well characterizing tool wear is identified.
- Thresholds for tool change situation are identified and successfully applied.
- Data acquisition based on National Instruments (HW, SW)
- Modular solution for fast adaptation, adding sensors etc.
- Possibility of CNC data synchronization (e.g. digital input reading)